Rust Relfex Script LIFETIME
Product Image Carousel
Product ImagesAnti-Recoil
Compensates for all weapon recoil in-game giving you pure beam.
Auto-Weapon Detection
Scans your hotbar and determines what weapon you are currently holding (using external image recognition)
Change the intensity of the script from 0-100% beam.
Legit Mode
Make your spray look legit, but still hit those nasty shots.
Automatically shoots all semi-automatic weapons at their max fire rate
Instant Eoka
Utilizes an existing glitch in the game to guarantee eoka fires on every first strike.
Auto Code Lock
Determines if you are looking at a code lock and will automatically enter in your set code. (using external image recognition)
Completely hide the window from taskbar and task manager with the press of a single button.
Performance Friendly
Program uses less than 5% CPU when toggled.
Automatically sends randomized jump and mouse-movement inputs to Rust so you'll never get AFK-Kicked.
Hipfire Mode
Control recoil when not aiming down sight.
No Injecting
Fully third party. Does not inject into Rust. Plug-N-Play.
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Bi-Weekly Updates
Frequent updates to the script to ensure maximum security and safety.